Monday, July 12, 2010

Gambia Rural Development Agency - GARDA

Gambia Rural Development Agency - GARDA, (TANGO), exists to improve the socio-economic well-being of rural Gambians in Lower River Division, North Bank Division, Central River Division, particularly the poorest households and most disadvantaged groups, namely women and children.

The agency aims to improve agricultural production through seed store construction, farmer training and reforestation and to establish a variety of income generation projects for the rural population.

They give special attention the education of youth.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Future in Our Hands - FIOH

Future in Our Hands - FIOH is a Swedish charity which works to improve basic education.

Its major project is the building of a school featuring kitchens designed specifically for hygienic and energy-saving cooking.

The charity also supplies furniture to schools.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Seeds for Africa

Seeds for Africa is a charity run by the University of Kent at Canterbury.

Seeds for Africa assists schools with money for seeds and tools to create school vegetable gardens, they are currently assisting ten schools in The Gambia through Schools for Progress.