Tuesday, August 9, 2011

World Evangelism for Christ International

World Evangelism for Christ International aims to provide assistance and promote self-sufficiency and training in all areas of need; physically, educationally, and spiritually.

Their main program of assistance is through health centers. They provide training for nurses, adult literacy, typing schools, and rural development on a one-to-one basis.

Women In Service, Development, Organisation and Management - WISDOM

Women In Service, Development, Organisation and Management - WISDOM, (TANGO), aims to provide easy access to credit for rural women and women in the informal sector and seek assistance from organisations to implement development projects for women.

It provides services to enhance women's socio-economic status and launches awareness creation programs on social, political, and religious issues affecting women.

West Africa Mission - Korea - Gambia

West Africa Mission - Korea - Gambia (TANGO)

Junior Achievement International - The Gambia

Junior Achievement International - The Gambia

Monday, August 8, 2011


PAGEANT PAGEANT is a recently formed charity (2002), started by Ian and Pippa Howard, which aims to provide support for educational needs in The Gambia.

PAGEANT stands for Projects Aiding Gambian Education and National Talent. For many years, tourists have been encouraged to provide help to schools near to the tourist areas, but most up-country schools get little help.

Pageant is providing assistance to one of these schools, Bakalarr. Telephone 01403 730610.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Tesito is a UK Charity partnering with local communities in The Gambia to improve the lives of ordinary Gambians and undertaking community based programmes to raise the standard of health and education.

The major current objective is to lower the malarial morbidity rate in infants and pregnant women in Julangel village by 10% by 2006 through the use of impregnated bed nets, environmental control and social intervention.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Schools for Progress

Schools for Progress (email link - there is no website yet), is a registered charity in The Gambia and in the UK.

It was started in 1986 by two people working in the Atlantic Hotel.

The original objects were to assist poor children to go to school instead of begging from tourists on the beach.

Over the years the number of children being helped has steadily grown.

Currently we are sponsoring 33 children at all levels from Nursery to Senior school, (and have a queue waiting).

The Charity has also undertaken small projects including rebuilding the kitchen and adding a new roof at Bijilo School, building an extra classroom and furnishing it at the Pentecostal Nursery School in Banjul, supplying New Yundum School with a classroom of new (16) locally made metal framed desks and refurbishing the toilets at the Albion School in Banjul.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Foreign and Commonwealth Office The FCO provides constantly updated Country Profiles which aim to provide a general overview of the country concerned.

They include information on the country's recent history, recent political developments, relations with the international community and bilateral political and commercial relations with the UK, as well as links to other relevant pages on the FCO website.